Friday, July 10, 2009

skinny dippin

and various other ways to enjoy the much cooler and far greener great outdoors up north.

such as giving my children a fear of all things green when cautioning about poison ivy.

enjoying caterpillarsbennett discovered that such creatures do indeed exist outside of children's books. there are actually crawling animals besides scorpions and lizards. who knew? (by the way, the count is now at 10. 10 scorpions found INSIDE OUR HOME) naptime outside where there is actually shade and a cool breeze
this time of year, i wonder how it is phoenix became the booming metropolis it is today (and why the h.e.c.k. we live here. yeah i guess the winters are nice and all, but why haven't we all wised up come may and gotten out of here. its ridiculous, really.)

so heading up north was a nice reprieve from our furnace city where everything is a depressing shade of desert brown.

and aside from better temperatures, i also think it would be quite fun to live in a quaint little town that shuts down main street on the 4th of july so adorable little kids such as my own can march in a fantastic parade.

yeah, he loved it too:
and someday, i think i would rather enjoy living where we can sit outside on summer evenings and share popsicles and homemade ice cream.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Great pics! The skinny dippin one is too cute!!