Tuesday, February 2, 2010

boys weekend

last year, for girls weekend, i had to bring this one with me: and yes, i just said "had to"

he didn't sleep and he cried and fussed the whole time.

it was awesome.

except, not so much.

so this year, joking around, anthony kept saying, "you really don't have to take mason with you this time."

and i wouldn't even laugh. i was like, "yeah, you better believe i am most definitely not taking mason this year."

so anyhow, my boys headed down to nana and papa's house.

good times filled with games, trips to the park, trains, feeding ducks...

and pretty much not sleeping well and being really fussy.

and after i feel all compassionate and say, "i'm so sorry honey" to my wonderful husband, i suppress my desire to say, "better you than me."

but mason welcomed me home by pulling an all niter last night. little stinker.3+ hours of no sleep. with a catnap in the middle when anthony feared for his son's safety in the hands of a his desperate and slightly crazy, exhausted mother, and wisely intervened.

and i wasn't kidding at 3 am when i told anthony i was going to give him up for adoption today.

maybe i can do a blog giveaway. leave a comment for an entry and the winner gets mason.just come pick him up before bedtime. i'd kinda like some good sleep.

cause it sure ain't pretty around here when i'm sleep deprived.

i think i need another girls weekend...


Rachael Schepemaker said...

Oh, i really do miss you. you make me laugh!

Heather said...

Honey, that third baby almost put me right over the edge. The only saving grace was that he was a good sleeper (sorry, not trying to rub it in).

It will get easier. In about four years.

Hang in there.