Saturday, February 5, 2011

my daddy is so special

by ella joy

my daddy is so special
i love him so much

i missed him when he was gone
now he is home

my favorite human in the world
is my daddy

he helps me fly my kite
he goes to work for me and my family
he drives the car for the family

yes, this is true
every word that i say in this poem

while i hear the words of this poem
it makes me feel so proud
'cause i love my daddy so much.

recently, anthony had a trip to costa rica.

(yes, some of us around here get to live exotic lives.)

(and "some" of us does not include me... not that i'm bitter about it or anything...)

so ella wrote this poem to welcome him home.

my second favorite thing about this poem is when ella dictated to me that daddy was her "favorite human" she sorta mumbled it.

so i asked for clarification and she looked at me all worried and said, "but does that hurt your feelings?"

a little girl loving her daddy more than any other human?


my first favorite thing about this poem was the tears in daddy's eyes when he read it.

because she is definitely his favorite little human girl in the whole world.

my third favorite thing was when i asked ella if i could put this on my blog she hesitated at first. and after talking her into it, she agreed, "ok, mom. i'll let you do it if you pay me a quarter."

yep. that's my girl.


Vicki said...

What a sweet poem from a sweet girl! I'm so glad you were willing to pay the quarter to share it with us.

Heather said...

Jeez, bring tears to my eyes before 9am, why don't you?

How sweet!

And now she's already a paid, published!

Rachael Schepemaker said...

oh so sweet! i love that girl!

Megan O. said...


debby94 said...

How priceless!!!

Aubrey said...

aw, that made me teary and i don't know ella or daddy! what a treasure!