oh, and pardon the barely clothed children. its still pretty hot around here...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
we love curious george
oh, and pardon the barely clothed children. its still pretty hot around here...
Monday, August 25, 2008
who needs pottery barn?
Friday, August 22, 2008
my first black eye
Sunday, August 17, 2008
happy birthdays!
the kids always love playing together and the family always enjoys the times to catch up... and to remind chad that he is not allowed to touch the green bean casserole. i feel so blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful family. love you guys!!!
and happy birthday to uncle jim in california. wish we could celebrate with you too!
Friday, August 15, 2008
teeth time
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
colds and golds
1. when did the silver medal become the equivalent of losing? i think those female american gymnasts are quite amazing and deserve a little more credit for getting second place in the entire world. it seems to me the media (and especially those obnoxious sport commentators) need to back off and say something nice. you go, girls!
2. does it disturb anyone else that these poor chinese gymnasts are ripped from their parents arms at the age of three and shipped off to train to be olympians? i mean, isn't this like slavery or something? seriously, that's like sending ella off right now to train and seeing her maybe once a year. no wonder those poor girls never smile.
3. michael phelps is very fun to watch. its kinda funny to automatically expect not only a gold medal but also a world record every time he swims. even when his goggles fill up with water and he can't even see. yes, that boy makes us proud to be american. (as do all of the other superb athletes we have seen this week)
one final note... we can now add synchronized diving to the things we hope bennett never comes home and tells us he wants to try. i'm sorry, but those boys in matching speedos... a little too much for me.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
some grammy and poppa fun
4. skinny dipping in the pool. (ok, well just the kids in the wading pool out back.)
5. ella and bennett slept in the same room together. we asked her if she liked that. her answer: "yes, it was fun. but it was sometimes hard to be quiet. i would feel a funny coming and i couldn't keep it in any more so i had to laugh."
6. i have always wished that bennett's hair was thick and curly so he could grow it out. instead he got my thin, straight hair. a little glimpse of what might have been:
i love it. i love that she really just enjoys the process and hasn't yet discovered the greed of winning and wanting it all. i love that she is sincerely delighted with the good fortune of others. i love that when we are setting up and she sees one of these "fruit people" she excitedly hands it to me and says, "put this one in a good hiding spot!" i love how her eyes light up not just for "fruit people," but even for a single, plain old colored square. she is thrilled. i can learn a lot from her. i'm trying to apply her 3 year-old wisdom to how to live life... enjoying the big things that God blesses me with, and also what he blesses others with that i get the opportunity to be a part of. and not only the big things, but all the fun little colors along the way.